Friday, September 30, 2011

Faithful followers

Yesterday, I was reading the story in John 11 about the death of Lazarus.  I've read it many times, heard sermons about it, and what struck me yesterday has never before.  It's a verse that I guess I've just read right over...but I'm glad God brought it to my attention this time. 

I was reading this particular passage because I'm doing a study and we are talking about peace this week and looking at portraits of peace in Christ's life.  Jesus had unimaginable peace as he had to wait for the right timing to go to Lazarus, Martha and Mary.  He had to allow Lazarus to die so that God's purposes would be accomplished.  It is an amazing picture of peace, but not the one that struck me.

 "So then he told them plainly, 'Lazarus is dead, and for your sake I am glad I was not there, so that you may believe.  But let us go to him.'  Then Thomas said to the rest of the disciples, 'Let us also go, that we may die with him.'"
-John 11:14-16

Earlier in the chapter, Jesus tells the disciples that what has happened is for God's Son to be glorified through it.  He then decides to go back to Judea and the disciples remind him that the Jews wanted to stone him the last time he was there.  Come on, Jesus, bad idea!  But when Jesus says, "Let's go!" we see an incredible response from Thomas, "the Doubter."  

So often, we want to follow God, but when He seems to be leading somewhere that we see as dangerous we are reluctant, we tell Him, "Hey, don't you know that's not safe?"  Thomas may not have understood Christ's reasoning, he thought they were all going to die...and yet, he says very simply to his fellow disciples, "Alright, boys, let's go with Him."  Thomas had peace despite the fear of death, despite not understanding, because he believed so faithfully in Christ and trusted that He knew best.  

As I read this, I was thinking about how often I see God leading and I am thinking, like the disciples, that it is too hard, or too scary.  What if we allowed God's peace to truly penetrate our hearts, even in the midst of uncertainty?  In this case, the willingness to follow faithfully put the disciples in the position of experiencing God's power and might in a whole new way and to be a part of witnessing an amazing scene that brought glory and honor to God!  

I don't know about you, but that sounds like something I want to be a part of!  I encourage you, find peace in the truth of who God is and let's step out faithfully each day into what God is calling us to!

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